Go global
Russian robotics companies have technologies, competences and products that deserve attention and recognition at the global level. We help players in the Russian robotics market to enter the international market by looking for foreign partners, organizing trips, negotiations, meetings and participation in events.

Over the years RAR has built partnerships with foreign associations, trade representations, institutes and universities, organizers of exhibitions and conferences. Members and representatives of the Association participate in significant international events: World Robot Conference (China), Global Robot Forum & Expo (South Korea), Aumtomatica (Germany), Automate (USA), iREX (Japan) and others.

The association is a member of the International Federation of Robotics (IFR). Thanks to this, Russian companies and RAR members are becoming more visible on the global market - the achievements of Russian robotics are becoming known abroad.

With the participation of RAR a global association of national robotics associations and clusters Global Robot Cluster was created. GRC members are 1,500 companies from all over the world: USA, France, Singapore, Malaysia, Spain, Israel, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Philippines, and Thailand.

We regularly organize business missions. Our companies adopt experience from foreign colleagues, get acquainted with the best solutions and practices, attend lectures, meetings, production and laboratories. In a few days of a foreign trip, participants gain a great deal of experience and find new partners. 
Our export promotion tools:
business missions
search for partners abroad through foreign associations and trade missions
facilitating participation in international exhibitions and conferences
consultations about the specifics of foreign markets
List of business missions
    RAR is a member of international organizations

    IFR was founded in 1987. The purpose of IFR is to develop the robotics market worldwide, protect the interests of robotics companies, popularize robotics, develop international cooperation, and solve key problems of robotics market development. IFR collects statistics on the global robotics market and publishes an annual World Robotics Yearbook, which publishes analytical materials on robotics market development.

    IFR includes major robot manufacturers and national associations.

    Global Root Cluster (GRC) was created in 2018 to promote international cooperation between local robotics clusters and associations.

    The GRC consists of 13 clusters, which together unite 1,500 companies. GRC promotes information exchange between countries, technology transfer, robotics promotion, and international market development.

    Our foreign partners

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